- All blankets must be new & handmade
- No dimension smaller than 36” & none larger than 60”
- Use colors that are child appropriate (predominately pastels & brights)
- No “wool” yarn – children have allergies & it doesn’t wash well
- No yarn fringe – children will chew on it & could choke
- No holiday patterns on fleece or quilts (this may be their only blanket)
Preparing blankets after complete:
- Be sure all yarn loose ends are woven in .
- Be sure all loose threads are trimmed off on quilts (they can wrap around little fingers)
- Wash & dry blankets – no fabric softener, dryer sheets or strong smelling detergent (again allergies)
- Measure blanket & record approximate dimensions on Project Linus tag (available at meetings)
- Add your name on the tag if you want but you don’t have to
- Sew on (do not glue) satin “Project Linus” label (available at meetings)
Folding & tying blankets to turn in:
- Fold blankets so that they aren’t “floppy” into a compact square or rectangle. For your tie, we prefer a crocheted yarn “chain” using at least 2 yarn strands so that it is sturdy enough to secure the folded blanket (one strand of yarn or even 2 of baby yarn isn’t strong enough)
- Wrap tie around one way, cross on the opposite side & wrap the tie around the other two sides so that all four sides are secure. (like a gift package)
- Thread the tie through the Project Linus tag & slide it down so it is secure against the blanket & tie again (tags attached to the end of the tie cause a problem when packing)